Thank you for purchasing, finding, or otherwise acquiring my zine, Three Winters! This is the 5th in an ongoing series of these zines. It’s an absolute thrill to low-key publish in this way!
I first performed this piece at Judson Memorial Church on December 11, 2019 for my regular show there, The Benevolent People’s Hour of Story and Song. It was a holiday themed show, and I felt drawn to reflect on holidays past and future.
The zine you are holding in your hand was designed by luke kurtis, a dear friend and frequent collaborator. Most notably he inspired and designed my books The Animal Book and Tentative Armor, and my previous zines, Glorious, About a Bed, Tigger, and David. So much of my work now is about these publications, and it was luke who inspired me in this way. The first Three Winters zines were hand folded and bound with needle and thread by me in a limited edition of 40. Each one was signed, numbered, and made available to my Patreon community for a limited time. It’s a really beautiful feeling to create these objects by hand and send them out into the world to people who so fully believe in my work.
The track is a hybrid of the music I created to perform the piece and some synth and drum machine programming fun. I wanted to capture the vibe of that last section of the poem, and like all of these pieces of music I write for these zines, it’s a quick and dirty mediation on a few ideas. It was fun to create those harmony voices you’ll hear in here.
Thanks for checking this out and for taking the time to find this page. You can download the track and the zine in various formats using the links below.
Three Winters (pdf)
Three Winters (epub)
Three Winters (mp3)
Three Winters (wav)