I was thinking about my weight while I was working out this morning. When I was in high school and into my 20s I was always worried about how skinny I was. I was probably around 150 in high school. In my mid-20s I started really working out and went from 160 to around 180, which was my favorite weight because I really had no fat on me to speak of, but had a reasonable amount of muscle mass. I had to really work at putting on weight back then and was still worried that I was too skinny, but looking back at pictures of myself from that time, I sort of want to tell myself to snap out of it, because I looked really good.
It made me wonder if I will look back in 20 years at the 43 year old, 217 pound me that I currently perceive as a fat slob and wish I had given myself a break. Time is a funny friend.